Post #3 – Querying a Microsoft SQL Database from EC2 Linux. AWS

We are using: Cloud AWS, MS SQL Server, Red Hat, Windows Server

  • Step by step, poquito a poquito. It’s really easy to do.
Step 1: Choose an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) – Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.4 (HVM), SSD Volume Type – ami-c90195b0

Step 2: Choose an Instance Type – t2.micro

Step 3: Configure Instance Details

Step 4: Add Storage

Step 5: Add Tags

Step 6: Configure Security Group

Step 7: Review Instance Launch

Step 8: Create a new key pair

Step 9: Save a new key pair, save: Key_For_EC2_Red_Hat_Linux.pem

Step 10: Launch instance

Step 11: My instances are now launching

Step 12: Verify security Group

Step 13: Verify an instance state

Step 14 a: We have to create a Key_For_EC2_Red_Hat_Linux.ppk for Putty

Step 14 b: next step

Step 14 c: next step

Step 14 d: next step

Step 15: Connect to a Linux Instance ( EC2 ) from Windows using PuTTY

Step 16: We can check AWS Linux release : cat /etc/redhat-release

Step 17: Configure tools on Linux for connecting to MS SQL (sqlcmd). RedHat Enterprise Server 7 []

Step 18: Execute a query and retrieve information from your database. [Microsoft TSQL2012 sample database.]